Friday, January 20, 2017


Why do I insist that strength is health? I can list all kinds of data explaining why strength leads to health. Circulation, posture, endocrine responsibility, etc. Nobody really cares and a lot of people who do care may disagree with me. So I am going to tell you why I focus on strength as the center of my physical, mental, and emotional fitness training.

personal trainer kent island maryland
Get ready!

A formal sports sciences definition of strength is the ability to produce a maximal force. How much force does the average American have to produce on a daily basis? Nearly none! Why should everybody decide to teach themselves to produce greater forces? I will tell you.

Strength allows us to walk wherever and whenever we want to go. I do not know many people who could walk 50 miles starting right now. A strong person could with the right supplies. A strong person can walk calmly or briskly. Strength gives one confidence, courage, and fortitude. If one is high strung it brings peace. If one is lazy it brings liveliness. Strength is the foundation physically, psychologically, and emotionally. It doesn’t matter what we are doing, strength drives us. It doesn’t even need to be a physical activity. We need strength in all of life.

There are basic human needs according to Tony Robbins (TEDTalks, 2007).  We have the need
·         To be certain – it gives us confidence
·         To be uncertain – it gives us variety
·         To feel significant – it makes us unique and different
·         To connect and love – no explanation required
·         To grow – if we do not grow we die even without the formal act
·         To contribute beyond ourselves – sharing is important and satisfies the other needs

Strength provides solutions for all of these needs. Needs drive actions according to Mr. Robbins. My endocrinologist told my parents to “make him a diabetic or an active little kid”. I chose strength training as my partner to battle diabetes. I survived two car accidents that would have killed me had I chosen another concentration. One emergency room doctor told me if I hadn’t trained traps that day I would have died or spent the rest of my life in a wheelchair. I had a scratch on my chin. There was an imprint of my head and shoulders in the windshield of my FORD THUNDERBIRD. This is why I pursue strength and help others do the same efficiently. I did not have a common cold for more than 30 years. I stopped training for less than one and had pneumonia. Move your body every day and reap the benefits.

This is why, for me. Choose your why and pursue it to the end. Getting stronger requires no explanation. “Why do you want to get so strong?” If I have to explain it to you, you will never understand. Why not?

-         Doc

Get stronger and reap the endless benefits!


Talks, T. (2007, January 16). YouTube TED Talks. Retrieved from YouTube:

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