Saturday, August 29, 2015

Personal training is dead

A lack of integrity has killed personal training.

Watching “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” I realize that personal training is dead. Just because something is difficult does not make it useful. Try this, sit in your car with the engine running. Stay in park. Now depress the gas pedal. Do this as long as you wish. One hour or one minute it doesn’t matter. Where are you now? Exactly where you started.

Have you ever noticed the people who train for appearances are always injured? People who do “functional training” are always weak. People who only do cardio are always sick and weak. This is because it is not functional strength training no matter what. Strength is always functional. Accessory work in strength training includes cardio, mobility, and multiple joint full body movements.

Single joint movements, cardio, “functional training”, and any other term the personal training community has made popular are accessory work. Accessory work supplements the main directive. It cannot replace the WORK one must do to become physically excellent.

strength for everything
How often will you go into this position?
Functional training is for what you do!

Pick a sport and train for it. You will be better in more fitness categories than anyone in CrossFit or any class at your local fitness center including the instructor.

strength matters
How long do you believe this weight will make you stronger?

Go to buy a car. Sign all the paperwork. Agree to pick the car up at the specified time. Now, the dealer shows up with a bicycle. Is he a person with integrity? Go join a fitness center. Hire a personal trainer. Tell the trainer you want to become stronger. Now, the “trainer” has you perform 10-12 repetitions on each exercise. Is this a person with integrity?

integrity lasts forever
Don't buy the bike when you agreed to buy a car.
Personal trainers have a lack of integrity because they read allegations written by similarly unqualified people with more initials after their name. “A study proves it.” Studies support ideas they do not prove them. The “scientist” is most likely a similar fitness minded person looking to bolster his income. He thinks kettlebells, while severely limited in weight and thus strength benefits, are great for developing power. Do you want to improve your power output? Get stronger and train with appropriate percentages. The real science supports this and the sample size is in excess of 300,000 elite athletes over more than thirty years. This is strong support.

Get stronger doing YOUR workout!

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