Saturday, October 10, 2015

Give AND receive help

Being a coach I have given help to those in need for more than twenty-eight years. We build strengths and weaknesses in our profession. If we only develop strengths we cause problems. If we only build on weak points we do not advance; we are only working on the current level. We want the entire system to move forward. We want to be our best. We want to improve ourselves and others.

I have told my training clients for years that life is easy when we know what is wrong. Once one is really, really, good at something finding weak points is far more difficult. This is why many people, at the beginning of their physical journey, hire personal trainers at the local fitness center. Athletes have more experience than average people. Athletes need a coach with wider experience than the average personal trainer. Once again we need gyms. Personal trainers are a temporary solution. Use personal trainers when you know what is wrong as an athlete. Athletes need coaches who have trained (many personal trainers these days have never trained for anything. There is a huge difference between exercise and training.

If you help others in your profession CLICK HERE and watch this video. Helping others doesn't mean ignoring your needs. Find others at an appropriate level and take their help. Many go it alone and never take help when it is offered. We all need help in one category, or more, from time to time (the entire journey). Stay strong and...

Get stronger doing YOUR workout!

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