Monday, June 23, 2014

Confidence is great if we are realistic.

Do not confuse confidence with ability. I see “trainers” who are supremely confident every day and their ability does not match their confidence.

It is my belief that confidence should be earned. The definition of “cocky” is un-earned confidence. In a team sport this can be positive. This is why we see many professional athletes acting like professional wrestlers (ooh yeaaaahhh!). This is all sizzle and no steak. I have met and known many world champions in my time. Some were outgoing, some were laid back, but there was never a show being put on for entertainment purposes. The outgoing athletes were showing “just how pissed off they are at the world” to use Kirk’s words. Some were so focused on the lift that they seemed calm until they reached the time when the unleashing of forces had to occur. Individual sports participants are more introverted than team sports athletes. We need to create our own atmosphere. Team sports athletes need to pull others up to a common energy level. Individual athletes need to find the best way to allow their energy to climax.
do your thing

So, do not think that acting like Randy Macho Man Savage will help you lift more weight? It won’t. If you are pissed off at the world keep it inside until you need to unleash the energy. If you are not pissed off at the world, let the energy build until you need to unleash a maximum, unified, force. Walking around in a rage all day gives lifting a bad rap. Be nice. Your neighbors will appreciate it and we can get some more good lifters in the world. Many introverts avoid situations like this understanding it is unhealthy.
I was in a state championships. There was one athlete opening heavier than me. I finished my first squat, sat down, and he went up to the bar. He was like a berserker, screaming, yelling, and banging his head on the bar. After he lifted the weight the judges told him not to bang his head on the bar. He returns to his seat, next to me, and sits down brimming with rage. He turns to me and says, in the gentlest voice imaginable, “I just don’t know why they won’t let me bang my head on the bar”. Hello Mr. Psychosis, can you tell me what the white sweater you brought with you is for? Why do the sleeves attach around the backside? You sir are mentally ill. It is not your fault. Get some medication and focus on lifting.

Find the energy level which best suits your personality. Do not mimic a world champion if you are at the state level. Do not claim to be a world champion if you are several hundred pounds shy of the records. The Internet allows us to find the real numbers. If you are curious about the numbers look up the USAPL/IPF numbers. Do not create a federation to make your sub-state record numbers a world record. Earn your confidence. Do not fake it until you make it. Earn it! Be real!

Get stronger!                                                                  

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