Thursday, July 9, 2015



Last year in California I was exposed to what many believe to be the best atmosphere for training, Southern California. It was 70 degrees or better every day I was there. If I were a cyclist, runner, swimmer, surfer, or anything requiring outdoor training I would still be there. The appearance based training I in the gyms was too difficult to get around so I returned east.
We have seasons in DC. I will give you some ideas I think will be helpful in your quest for physical excellence season for season, in DC. Personal trainers love going outside with their clients ask and see.

1.      Summer
a. Swim
b. Train strength indoors with a window opened
c.  Go play on the water
Gone fishing
d. Cycle/run/stretch indoors if you don’t like the heat otherwise do it outside and stay hydrated (best in the early am or late evening)
e. Take a long vacation like everyone else in town (nobody stays in DC in August)

2.     Fall
a. Take a hike and watch the leaves change colors and fall to the ground
b. Cycle/run/swim outdoors and take your trainer with you for a session
c.  Train strength indoors
d. Stretch outdoors as long as you can
e. Enjoy outdoor sports like golf, tennis, throwing and catching a ball with someone else, or just take a walk

3.     Winter
a. Train strength indoors

b. Cycle/run/swim indoors because winter weather is abusive here during winter months
c.  Take classes where you train; try something you’ve never done before, learn to dance if you can’t already, learn a musical instrument it will help you physical efforts I guarantee it
d. Train strength indoors again, and again, and again
e. Go skiing, I am not a ski snob and if you aren't either we have skiing within an hours drive. Is is not CO or UT but it is fun, sledding

4.     Spring   
a. Train strength indoors with the window opened
b. Get outside and run/cycle/swim as early as possible
Cherry blossoms DCc.  Take a hike and enjoy South Mountain, Rock Creek Park, the monuments, or whatever floats your boat, get a paddle boat out on the Potomac river
d. Do YOGA, stretch, do mobility work, work your corrective movements outdoors
e. Take a trip to the cherry blossoms

I know this list is simple but one thing is constant: train strength indoors. Do not try anything new that is dangerous without guidance. If you allergies and want a different perspective my email and website are below, reach out to me and we can communicate. If the weather is the problem for you there are options available. Do not stop training because of the seasonal changes we have here. Keep moving no matter what and you will live a healthier life.

Get stronger!