Friday, June 6, 2014

Warm up-train-cool down

Warming up prepares us to function at a higher level. Training is a function of goals. Cooling down is a matter of getting back to civilization.
We warm the systems for many reasons. Elasticity of tissues, nutrient exchange, and mental focus to name a few. Getting ready is a simple description of the warm up in a training context. Most “trainers” are just warming people up these days. Functional training, corrective exercise, and agility work are the culprits. These may be sufficient for those sitting at a desk 40+ hours per week. Training is more than that.
Training seems to have taken the back seat these days. Training is logical. It takes us to higher level. Training takes decades not weeks. Think macro-cycle not micro-cycle. We can make more permanent changes to the organism if we apply systematic stresses to the system over years. If we apply changes over weeks the return on invested time is very, very, temporary. Training is structural. It changes the structure of the neurological system. It changes the connective tissues. Training does change the muscular system but this is of little import. How long do you think it takes to change the skeletal system? Does it take weeks or years?
Cooling down is regaining a normal level. I have seen people, lifters, screaming and banging their heads on barbells at a peak level of arousal. Do you want this guy behind you at the grocery store? I do not! Fitness does not require this level of arousal. Don’t tell this to any CrossFitters you know. They seem to thing breaking your back and renal failure are “normal”. My point? Cool down so you do not pull anyone from their car and bounce them on the sidewalk when they compete for right of way at a stop sign. Calm the f#@% down before you go out and deal with the general public. Oh yeah, and get the systems back to a healthy level of operation too. Lower the blood pressure, get the heart rate down, and get rid of the muscular tension needed to squat a house. You will be happier. I guarantee it!

Get stronger. Your health depends on it.

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