A conversation starts. It can begin with any topic. I notice the deep calm in people who enjoy bettering themselves regardless of the means. Each has worked diligently on something for a long time. These things come up in simple conversation. We can ask what one does for a living but this is not necessarily the same proving ground. We need to ask people what they think of sports. The only real answer for individuals who make it in strength sports is in the form of a question. Any question will suffice. Why should I lift? Who is the fastest athlete on earth? What is better, the squat or the deadlift?
When one speaks of exercise styles I know they already think about it. Any demonstrations of form, talk of repetitions, CORE, or performance language substantiates people who “get weightlifting” in conversation. Have you ever slipped on the ice? Do you carry groceries? Do you ever sit at a desk for longer than twenty minutes at a time? Yes, of course you do. We have all done each of these things. Weightlifting makes these and most other physical tasks easier and less traumatic. We agree on this point at the outset. It is simple logic to me. That is how I see someone who values strength of body, mind, and spirit. We need to talk, in person, for this understanding to be had.
Get stronger! docgym@live.com
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