Saturday, July 26, 2014


Not everyone wins a trophy!

strength training
Participation does not warrant a trophy.
Years ago when my nieces and nephews started in sports I realized that the politically correct had made a huge mistake. These soft-hearted people started giving everyone a trophy, even for last place. Building self-esteem and confidence are great. Build these things with a foundation of success rather than a foundation of false praise. We do not get to claim success in academics without meeting minimum standards. Stop claiming success in sport without actually achieving anything. There is more to life than just being here.

Squats win trophies.
According to “studies” most Americans have their first negative memory from physical education class or organized sports. This is an unfortunate fact. I find it difficult to accept since I have always been relatively advanced in sports. I have a brother who played division 1 basketball in college, a sister who earned all-American status in field hockey in college, and my grandfather was a very successful office-bearer. I learned to work for what I wanted. Do not cheat like my sister did, or self-deprecate like my brother does, work hard and be confident because the work has been done. Those who take the confidence and never intend to do the work are in charge of fitness now. This is my point, stop taking credit for the work you have not done. Who knows more the coach who reads information he has no first-hand experience with online or the coach who has participated in twelve national championships and won two? No first-hand experience means one cannot edit the information for mistakes.

strengthThe above mentioned analogy is a perfect example. Everyone admits it is cheating when someone takes another’s work in the classroom. Why is it alright to take credit for work you have not done in sports… or in science? Your students, clients, or whomever are in great danger when you take credit for something you have not practiced sufficiently. No one really cares about your title you are a fraud and everyone worth a dime knows.

Live life. Pick something to be passionate about if it has not chosen you already. Gather all the valid, reliable, and trustworthy data you can get your hands around. Always remember what my Philosophy 101 professor taught “if one claims to be an authority on anything ask yourselves, who is this and how do they know?” Not everyone gets a trophy! If your parents do not build you up build yourself up. Do not claim what you do not possess. Be alive.  Not everyone gets a trophy!

Trophies are more valuable if you take a journey-man approach. Oh, I did not win this time. I attempt to win ten times. Then, I win and it is more educational, rewarding, and useful. I want an athlete to be a problem solver not a know-it-all. Great coaches are problem solvers.

Win trophies or not! Be a problem solver. Learn from mistakes. Do not be a champion of Saturday afternoon and facial hair like the commercial on television. Be a champion. Win the trophies. If you don’t then get to work. Winners take the trophies!

strength training
Earn it!

 Get stronger!                                                                              

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