Monday, July 28, 2014


Double standards

Standards are in place for comparisons and fairness. If we are not held to the same standards things are not fair and cannot be compared. Life is not fair is a common saying when someone has just mistreated you. Do not accept it!

tell the truthIn sports, we must have universal rules. If there are not universal rules (world-wide rules) the competitions cannot be compared from one region to the next. This is why CrossFit is not a sport it does not have universal rules. For an activity to be a sport it must have:

·        A competition
·        Universal rules
·        A social comparison
·        An uncertain outcome

The standards are established in sports. Weightlifting has rules which apply from youth lifters to the Olympics. The rules do not change from one event to the next. If your “sport” has different rules for different levels of competition it is not a sport. This breakdown of standards is what allows many to mistreat others in business and society. There is no understanding of why rules exist. No standards, no rules, no morals, and no ethics result from this double standard.

tell the truthThe first line of the Olympic credo is “first and foremost one must be a good citizen”. Athletes have been banned for life for bad sportsmanship. Many in fitness seem to be rewarded for bad sportsmanship. Life does not work this way. One may be able to keep going but the harm is far-reaching. Make your athletes better citizens and your reputation will stand. Most want to be a part of a quality organization. Be that quality organization.

There cannot be two sets of rules if we want to compare the groups. Rules make the competition fair. It rains on both teams. If we change the rules we must change them for everyone. We need to understand why the rules exist or perish.

The rules exist to make competitions fair. If you must cheat to win do not compete. You are weak and slow. Get out of the way. Make the rules the same for everyone. Make the rules the same no matter what. If one cannot compete they should not compete. Competition is to see who the best is. Who cares who third best is? The weak and slow break the rules to compete and see if they can get away with it. Otherwise they would stay on the sidelines where they belong. The rules make things fair. If someone tells you life is not fair and you do not already realize they are dishonest keep your eyes opened. They will hurt you sooner than later.

We have rules in society too. They are called laws. Many break the laws and say they did not simply because they did not get caught. Rules are for those who want to actually see where they stand when compared to others. Rule breakers are cheaters, fakes, and liars. Stand where you stand. That is what strength is all about.
do not be a hypocrite

 Get stronger within the rules!                                                           

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