Talk is cheap
He did reps with five plates today! Haha... |
Weightlifting keeps us honest. You either lift the weights
or you do not. There is no hiding from the truth if progress is important to
you. Miss a lift and seek the solution. Make the lift and seek improvement.
None of us is perfect contrary to internet claims.
There are no technical rules for lifting a weight
“properly”. If the requirements of the lift are met the lift is good. It does
not matter if my back rounded. If my back is rounded I need to make adjustments
to remedy this mistake in training.
I was very competitive in powerlifting. Many powerlifters
train way too heavy. This is more common in younger lifters than more
experienced lifters. This is why they are more experienced. They learned and
improved while avoiding injury. The only thing that makes a movement wrong is
if it injures us. The behind the neck pull-down, or press, is a very useful accessory
movement. Fitness people say do not do them if they have a background in
something other than a strength sports. All sports require strength. Not all
sports are strength sports.
Strength sports are powerlifting, weightlifting,
strongman/woman competitions, and many field events in track and field. Any
sport requiring a single maximal effort is a strength sport. Do not confuse this
with a sport where strength helps. All sports fit this category.
I have spoken with thousands of “lifters” over the decades.
I have met many who claim to lift a certain weight and cannot realistically
claim this weight. Assessment is imperative for success. An understanding of
anatomy and physiology is required to assess an athlete. Assessment is the
truth if the test is real. We need to see where we stand in relation to our
Fitness assessments are marketing tools. They require
everyone to do things no healthy person can do. They are unnatural movements. Do
not take these as real. Fitness companies that test us on tests like the FMS
are dishonest. A true lifter will score poorly on FMS and be more physically
fit than anyone administering that test. Administering this test displays a
lack of education. The track record of this test is poor. Injury is the only
constant when it comes to FMS. I do not want anyone injured if I am training
them. If the lift can be improved a coach tells us. The athlete must accept the
coach’s instructions or seek another coach. Trust is also imperative for
coaches and athletes (trainers/clients). Telling the truth is the best
practice. The truth only hurts once.
Do not tell lies. Religious or not this is a good rule which
was not formalized before religion took roots. If morality existed before
religion or laws we would not have needed religion or law. Liars lie. Lifting displays
universal truth. You can lift the weight, right now, or you cannot. Posture
displays other needs. Tell the truth.
Telling the truth requires strength and getting stronger is
more than physical.
Get stronger!
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