Sunday, August 24, 2014



Powerlifting is the strength sport including three events. The squat, bench press, and deadlift are these events. Originally powerlifting was born of the main assistance movements used in weightlifting. Contemporary weightlifting disciples love to call the name “powerlifting” a misnomer. The power requirements in weightlifting are relatively greater than powerlifting. This stance is similar to the nerds on the internet studying something they have never done and claiming expertise (peer reviewed, shut up!). They are relative to current standards. None the less, powerlifters are the strongest people on earth. The rules must be universal for the event to qualify as sport. Strongman and CrossFit are too illogical. They are not sports.

Powerlifting is arguably not a sport also. There are so many federations and associations that the rules are not universal. USAPL and IPF use the same rules so powerlifting in these federations are sports. Many powerlifting leagues do not even make lifters squat to depth. They are not sports or legitimate records. Many in the weightlifting camp say equipment used disqualifies powerlifting as a sport. Stop using shoes, belts, tape, and knee wraps if you are in this camp. All of those things assist lifters too. The deadlift record would be blown away if powerlifters were allowed to tape their thumbs. Powerlifting extracted a lot from weightlifting. Rules change over time. Rules are for safety and uniformity.

Anyway, powerlifting involves the squat, bench press, and deadlift. There are three referees who judge each discipline. A majority rule exists and a successful lift only requires two of the three referees pass the lift with a white light. A red light indicates a failed attempt according to that referee. Go after all white lights and display your mastery. Lifters must complete at least one of each discipline to complete the competition. These lifts are said to display an overall strength which qualifies a lifter as a strong athlete. I happen to agree.

The squat starts with a barbell in a squat rack. The lifter shuffles out to a safe position displays control of the weight and is given a squat signal once control is displayed. The lifter then descends until the creases of the hips are below the top of the knees. This is below parallel. After achieving this depth the lifter ascends nonstop to the standing position again. The referee gives a rack signal and the weight may be replaced on the rack. Each lifter is allowed three attempts on each lift just like weightlifting. Strength is the main benefit of squats. Strength affects everything in life. Squatting makes everyone more capable on their feet. Sports take place on your feet. I question people, harshly sometimes, when they participate in sports off of their feet. Driving a car? This is not easy. It is a sport. It is also not athletic. Athletic skills help everything. Sports represent life skills.

The bench press starts on a rack above a bench. The lifter, assisted by a trustworthy friend, takes the weight from the rack and awaits the start signal from the head referee. Lifters must display control of the weight and then this start/press signal is given. Lifters lower the bar to a point on the chest and stop, once again displaying complete control, and wait for a press signal. The weight is the pressed nonstop and evenly to arm’s length. Waiting for the rack signal the lifter must always display control of the weight. “Rack” signal is given and lifters return the weight to the rack. Upper body strength is important in life. Bench pressing gives us upper body strength. If you are an American football player bench press strength is obligatory. Weightlifters need this strength to master the jerk, pulls of all kinds, and snatch support strength. Do not believe the corrective exercise people regarding bench press prowess. The upper body will not allow big bench presses without balance. The bench press allows stronger overhead pressing assuming both are practiced. Shoulder rhythm is compulsory. Athletes may make huge lifts without proper rhythm but these demonstrations are fleeting at best. Unless you are a powerlifter, it is my humble opinion that the most an athlete needs to bench press is double body weight. It does not matter if you bench press 500lbs if you cannot squat 700lbs. The forces used in bench pressing are unavailable short of this mark.

Athlete A:
·        Height: 78inches = ‪198.12cm
·        Weight: 300lbs = ‪136.0777kgs
·        Squat: 600lbs = ‪272.1554kgs
·        Bench 500lbs = ‪226.7962kgs
·        Skills: hand skills = x, foot work skills = y, midsection stability = z

Athlete B:
·        Height: 78inches = ‪198.12cm
·        Weight: 300lbs = ‪136.0777kgs
·        Squat: 700lbs = ‪ ‪317.5147kgs
·        Bench 500lbs = ‪226.7962kgs
·        Skills: hand skills =x+, foot work skills = y+100, midsection stability = z+100

I could make these numbers more scientific but that is not the point for athletes or their coaches outside of strength and conditioning. Hands skills, footwork skills, and CORE stability all benefit from increasing the squat. Bench pressing improves everything above the hips. Strength is full body dexterity.

The deadlift is the final discipline in powerlifting competitions. Some say the meet does not start until the weight hit’s the floor. We must complete these to qualify a total. The bar sits on the platform. Your name is announced after the weight is secured to the bar. You have one minute to start the lift. The lifter walks up to the bar, stands nonstop until the posture is erect. Control the weight at all times and wait for the down signal. Deposit the weight back (pun intended ha-ha…) on the platform, holding the bar all the way down. I see people dropping their deadlifts in gyms all over the place now. This is arrogant bravado. Stop dropping your deadlifts. Powerlifters do not want to drop their deadlifts and neither should anyone else. I am not saying you should do a negative (eccentric repetition) with every deadlift. I am saying control the weight back to the platform. Your grip strength (supporting grip strength) will benefit.

Get white lights. The strength given by deadlifting is great in everyday life. Weightlifters develop great strength for the snatch and clean doing deadlifts. Some gifted squatters cannot do so well on the deadlift because they do not possess sufficient hand strength. Strength is the main benefit from deadlifting. Strength is universal.

The winner in each weight class has the greatest total. Combine the best lift from each discipline and this is your total. The only time body weight comes into play is if there is a tie or you are contending for best lifter. The lighter lifter wins if they total equally with someone in their weight class. The heavier lifters have an advantage when going after the best lifter award. The coefficients used help heavier people more than lighter competitors.

Strongman events are certainly demonstrations of strength. Many great powerlifters have seen success in strongman (Kaz!). Strength helps all athletes!

Get stronger!                                                                                      

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