Thursday, September 4, 2014


Functional strength

Useful strength is…

All strength is functional. If the strength gained from an exercise is not useful it is not really strength. I am not telling you not to do anything. I want you to get exactly what you want from training. Training is making adaptions. We can sculpt, strengthen, and build our bodies as we wish. This is the definition of training. Functional strength is one of those terms personal trainers have used to rename and take ownership of training modalities which have existed for decades; maybe centuries.

Functional exercises have been called agility work, accessory work, and balance work in the past.
circus acts
Strength is functional. Circus acts are not
terribly functional.
American football players warm up for strength work with agility ladder work sometimes. This is terribly functional. They use both skills in their sport. Taking one part out of context and calling it functional training is sloppy at best. Training is difficult enough without functional words changing every ten years or so. Why change the name? Both the agility work, with the ladder, and the strength work are functional. Do both! I hope the strength work is an Olympic style clean or snatch followed by squats and or deadlifts. There is little training, if any, more functional than squats and deadlifts. Everyone needs to improve absolute strength. It is the most functional skill in all of training. If you want to be good at something do that thing. Training variety is a matter of volume and intensity not exercise selection. A squat with 100 is a different exercise than a squat with 200. This is variety. Training a different movement every session is confusing to the system; not training. Training is utilitarian. Train each movement over time. If you do not need to do something don’t do it.

If you are on your back and have a weight which must be overhead after standing up put the weight down and stand up. Then, clean and jerk it! Do not do a Turkish get up. The “get up” is dysfunctional not functional. The leverages are compromised on purpose. They are designed to make it difficult. Training makes things easier not harder. Turkish get ups are difficult. So is calculus. I do not find a way to use calculus in everyday life for that sake alone. Sports science does not utilize calculus. Turkish get ups do not develop useful strength. I used to like to do things the hard way, in high school. We all knew everything in high school. I grew up and made the most of what little time I have on earth. There is no benefit from making something convoluted. Turkish get ups are circus acts not training tools. Do not be fooled by the functional trainers.
strength is applicable

Find a coach or a trainer. Ask what their philosophy is. If they try to mirror you test them. Find someone who tells you what he/she does. Then ask them what that can do for you. An actual trainer will tell you what they do spontaneously. They will also tell you how it helps your goal attainment as soon as your goals are on the table. Company personal trainers are taught how to sell you training under the guise of helping you (FMS). Good trainers do business. Good trainers study training. Sales happen as a result of that equation and that is good business. If a “trainer” studied business they are a business person not a trainer. The more I have done business with business people who choose training as a career the more frustrated I become. Personal training is a noble career. Honest business people study their craft and sales happen as a result of expertise. In fitness centers it is used car sales at the very best. If you want to train find an independent gym. Business people do not train. Yes, I want to earn business from these posts. I will never meet the majority of you.

Functional training is a fragment of training these days. It has been around for centuries. It has gone by many names. Ask your trainer to describe it to you in an athletic framework. All training science is founded on athletic science. If the science is other than athletic in nature you are paying for therapy and the practitioner had better be degreed and licensed; not just certified. There are laws regarding this practice. All training is functional. I will say this as many times as I must to make the point. ALL TRAINING IS FUNCTIONAL!

Get stronger because it is the basis of training!              

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