Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Logic is truth

Sentential logic is a field of study. If a statement is true there is no counter-example. If a counter-example exists the statement is not true. This seems simple to me. Perception is a convenience used by many to disorganize things. Perception is inefficient. There is no such thing as common sense.  Opinions do not enter into logic, only facts. The definition of a fact is something which is universally believed. Perception leaves the equation opened and that permits mistakes. Wikipedia is dangerous because anyone who perceives that they know about a topic may write it on Wikipedia. Peer reviewed is the same as perception and Wikipedia. There is no peer reviewed actual scientists. There are scientists and there are lay people.

not true

Lawyers would do better to study sentential logic than history if creating arguments and telling the truth are important. Contrary to trendy belief truth does exist. Perception is a tool many use and it only makes their lives easier. It makes everyone else’s lives more difficult. In training circles perception is dangerous. The quality which holds hands with the truth improves everyone’s experience.


For example, the squat is a very athletic movement. Everyone who practices the squat improves their quality of life. Therefore, strength improves quality of life.

·        Squats (true)
o   Strength
o   Ability
·        Athletic (true)
o   Running
o   Jumping
o   Representative of life
·        Practice (true)
o   Preparation
o   Training
·        Quality of life (true)
o   Value
o   Characteristic
·        Strength (true)
o   Resource
o   Vigor
·        Since all of the above statements are true the statement that squats improve one’s quality of life is true. The reasoning is sound. There are no counter-examples which are true.

Squats make practitioners stronger and therefore improve one’s quality of life. This statement is true, logically. If practicing squats does not improve strength this statement is not true. If squats do not improve athleticism this statement is not true. If training the squat does not improve strength or one’s quality of life this statement is not true. If someone hurt himself doing squats improperly the mistake is to blame not the squat, Matt Berenc. Rather than admitting fault he blames the squat and classified it, erroneously, as a counter-example. There are bad trainers everywhere these days. Training the squat and making improvements improves anyone’s quality of life. The squat is done with a barbell for clarity.

A trainer must have trained for something at some time.
Reality is not disputable. We must analyze what people say. A Philosophy 101 professor told us in our first lecture, we must ask ourselves “who is this person and how do they know?” when someone tells us something. I believe this is good advice. Since that day I have understood many examples of bad information which I may have missed had I not evaluated the source. Fitness information online is a perfect example. Someone with less than a decade of practice advising us is careless at the very best. These people are reiterating material taken from another source and serving it to us. One may not teach until they have learned. The fitness industry operates on appearances alone. Looking the part is a fraction of the equation. Buyer beware with personal training.

Confidence must be earned just like trust. The two go hand in hand. If someone has been skinny their entire life I will not take weight management information from them. If another has never improved their strength I will never accept strength training advice from them. If I want to run more efficiently I seek a runner’s advice. If I want to become stronger I seek the advice of a strength athlete. A strength coach s not even a great source anymore. Ambitious personal trainers now seek certifications outside personal training. Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist is a great example. This used to be the domain of athletic strength and conditioning coaches. Personal trainers may or may not have realized that training is athletic at the essence. Generally they do not. I have not met all of them. I can only give my estimation, opinion, or view, logically.

The bottom line is plain. If a coach or trainer tells you something ask them questions. If you are unfamiliar with their resume seek this information out. I frequently tell people to only train with an athlete or former athlete. If someone has not trained they do not know what training is. They cannot make on the spot judgments accurately. Knowledge is experience. Inventing a new sport to misrepresent acumen is pretend. I love new sports. Let them grow. Do not, however, allow them the spotlight as sports until they have earned this name.

Once again to be considered a sport any activity must satisfy four qualities.

1.      It must have a competition
2.      It must have universal rules
3.      It must have an uncertain outcome
4.      It must have a social comparison

Olympic sports

These are the rules. This makes the definitions plain and simple. If the activity does not satisfy these requirements it is not a sport. Any argument to the contrary must contain a valid counter-example. There are no counter-examples which are true. Perception does not determine what is true or not true. Truth has no counter-example.

Contrary to popular peer reviewed nonsense the truth does exist. If anyone tells you their opinion is truth and you produce a true counter-example save your breath. They will continue to operate on opinions and make life more difficult for everyone. Belief does not make something true. The world was once flat you know?

1.      Squats improve our quality of life
2.      Squats make us stronger
3.      Squats are done with a barbell
4.      Squats make us more athletic
5.      Athletics are an examination of life
6.      Practice involves correction and learning
7.      Poor practice results in poor performance
8.      An exercise is only bad if it hurts us
9.      Properly executed squats produce healthier people
10.  Strength athletes are the best strength and conditioning coaches

Not true
1.      Kettle-bell squats are heavy enough to produce strength
2.      Kettle-bells have been used in training for many years by athletes
3.      More than five repetitions produces strength
4.      Strength is muscular
5.      Anything on television that is physical is a sport
6.      Sports do not need universal rules
7.      Powerlifters and weightlifters are not athletes
8.      CrossFit is a strength sport
9.      The internet is a great place to gain new information
10.  A certification indicates knowledge

Logic displays what is true and what is other than true. Denial that the truth exists is an exercise in deceit.  Keep your eyes opened when dealing with those who say life is a marathon or life is gray. Life is black and white. Truth does exist. Your opinion is your opinion and mine belongs to me. This is what makes us who we are. I share my opinion and tell people it is my opinion. This is who I am.  I do not say my opinion is true if I can see a possible counter-example. The truth can be supported. Logical people know this.

Get stronger!                                                                                          

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