Sunday, September 28, 2014


Personal training

I have trained people every day since 1987. I was a new trainer then. I have watched many generations of personal trainers come and go. Fads will always be part of exercise. Training is more complex than exercise. My question is simple, do you believe any champion is actually sharing his/her training plan with everyone? The internet is a resource. There is a lot of information online giving educated people options. If one is uneducated the internet is entertaining at best and dangerous at worst. Personal training is a department in any fitness center. Personal training is pure profit for the business owner. Personal training originated as a way for competitive athletes to earn money and save time for training firsthand.

strength workout

When I developed as a trainer I was lucky. I had two world champions advising me on the actual science of training. These men stand head and shoulders above the rest. They have proven their superiority. I knew in my heart that I was lucky even though I did not understand it yet. These coaches both taught me that basics are training. Fads are folly, amusement, and pop culture. What is going on in the training world these days is salesmanship not training.

In school I studied accounting for a few semesters. The language is very different than training sciences. Sociologically, any group separates from others by inventing language. Talk to any teen-ager and understand this rapport. Financial minds have taken the reigns of the fitness industry. They do not understand what training is other than a profit center. They hire young, fit looking, people to train those with sufficient means to pay for over-priced personal training. There are trainers out here. No one with less than a decade of practice is worth $100 per hour. I do not want people to feel as if I am saying you have wasted your money. I want people to find trainers who have trained themselves and others.

trainingUneducated people cannot distinguish good information from bad. Personal trainers with less than a decade of practice should take the most basic approach in training. Train for something, anything, for several years. Professionals practice. Certifications indicate absolutely nothing in personal training. Certifications are purchased.  A degree is earned but still a purchase. Intelligence is the association of all useful information. If the language from one field to another is dissimilar a broad dialect is required.

Amortization is quite different in weightlifting when compared to finance. The essence is the same but in reality one is very brief and the other takes more time. If we minimize both we ensure efficiency. Time is important in training and finance. We talk in milliseconds in training. Finance takes months, quarters, or years. If I could find a deal, in finance, with an amortization phase similar to a clean I would jump all over that deal. Time is very different using the same terms in my humble opinion.

There are characteristics a personal trainer should possess:

1.      Experience/knowledge
2.      Keen attention to details
3.      No injuries
4.      Formal education in Kinesiological sciences
5.      Communication skills
6.      Integrity
7.      Strength
8.      Will power
9.      The ability to listen (not just hear)
10.  Work ethic

strength coaches are strong
Strength coaches must be strong(er)! 
If you are in need of assistance in your physical endeavors seek guidance from a qualified coach. It will not be free in most cases. If I were independently wealthy I would train serious athletes free of charge. This society does not allow me to do that, YET! Qualifications are varied. If you want to get stronger hire a weightlifter or powerlifter. If you want to run a marathon hire a runner. A qualified coach will not be offended if you hire a coach for another facet of your training. Good coaches can help in many categories. If the coach is not stronger than last year they are not a qualified strength coach. Everyone needs more strength.

      Get stronger!                                                                          

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