Monday, June 1, 2015


The language for beginners and those who are actually passionate is different. Beginners use terms like passion, commitment, motivation, discipline, and hard work. Well, I am telling you now these terms do not apply if one has not done more than ten years of work. STFU-newbie and put in some work before you go online and share your love of lifting, working out, training, etc...

Fred Hatfield is passionate. Louie Simmons is passionate. Anthony Robbins is passionate. He wrote "you can do anything you want but not everything you want". A personal trainer in his twenties or thirties is not proven well enough to claim passion. Reading does not comprise passion. It is certainly part of passion but it does not complete the equation. We all make mistakes and someone this young is not knowledgeable, experienced, enough to recognize mistakes. ACTION is the key to success and passion is required to succeed.

The passion these folks are TALKING  about is not solid. It is less than an idea since they have not done significant work on their craft. ACTIONS speak louder than words. Saying you are passionate is great. Showing you are passionate, in action, is far superior. A lawyer should spend their passion on the law. A medical doctor should spend their passion on medicine. I contend we cannot be passionate about more than one thing at a time. It all comes down to what makes us happy. Be passionate about being happy and the culmination of factors is what you are passionate about not the individual parts.

Experience and knowledge are synonymous. Do some work. This work takes all day. An hour per day is a hobby. Hobbies are not about passion as much as infatuation. Success is self-determined. Why do you want to be the best? In what activity do you want to be the best? Who are you? Not, who do you want to be like! Make the most of your time because it is a limited factor.

Watch these video and listen.

Show us you are passionate and keep your words to yourself unless someone asks a question AND you know the answer. Minute connections are made over time and intelligence makes use of them as a system (much like strength).

Get stronger!