Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Be creative and productive

Creativity and productivity

Training success is a matter of efficiency, passion, and hard work. I have followed many people 0n my journey. Goals are of supreme importance. Patience is a close second. Education is important if you are staying drug free. Education combined with ingenuity is what excellence is made of. I watched a TED Talk video and thought it worth sharing. Here is the link:


Behrokh Khoshnevis makes a lot of very good points and quotes some great people in this video. I will relate this talk to training.


You are hereCreativity is the artistic touch I have written about in previous posts. Formal education, in sports sciences, is vital if we are to elevate our athletes above the fray. Coaches must be able to see individual needs. This attention to details produces results. Creativity is a broad topic. Intention passion, and vision lead us down the path of enthusiasm according to Behrokh Khoshnevis. Then, imagination and education carry us to creation. He states that creation moves civilization forward. Great athletes are educated and creative.

Great athletes become great coaches. Great coaches can see things average coaches miss. But this is not all. Great coaches adjust after seeing the needs. The sciences must be understood for the needs to make sense. Where the great coach exceeds their competition is in the artistic touch he/she applies to the adjustments. It takes an artist’s eye for details; others cannot see these details.
The sciences are solid in strength and conditioning. Athletes have been training with these techniques for decades, centuries even. Many believe that CrossFit is the realization of imagination. It isn’t. Don’t get me wrong I am happy they are doing full body movements. They just don’t understand the repetition. CrossFit just gave it a new name. Take a look at these texts and see where CrossFit was born:

Paugh, J. (1728). A Physiological, Theoretic and Practical Treatise on the Utility of Muscular Exercise for restoring the Power to the Limbs.

Webster, D. (1976). The Iron Game. Scotland: John Geddes Printers.

Roman, R. (1988). The Training of the Weightlifter. Livonia, Michigan: Sportivny Press.

Medvedyev, A. (1989). A System of Multi-Year Training in Weightlifting. Livoni, Michigan: Sportivny Press.

Zatsiorsky, V. (1995). Science and Practice of Strength Training. Human Kinetics.

Siff, M. C. (2003). The Origins of Strength Training Science. In M. C. Siff, SUPERTRAINING. Denver, CO, USA.

CrossFit sucksThese late editions are the foundations of everything included in CrossFit and everything else in training today. Read these books and see where we have been before you create something “new”. Real athletes and coaches have been there. Competitions are the proving ground and always will be. Use these as your foundation. They taught us everything we have ever considered. Until we pass the 300kg clean and jerk our science is conclusive.

successful weightliftersCreativity, science, and not steroids, produce world and Olympic champions. Athletes who win championships are practicing the format outlined by (Roman, 1988), (Medvedyev, 1989). Nobody can beat this practice. American scientists often reject these studies. Keep your eyes opened and your imagination keen.

“I’ve never let my school interfere with my education.”
-         Mark Twain

Creativity takes place in the gym not the lab. The lab work has been done. Our work is not finished. I have rejected formal theories on purely logical terms. Their rejection is not logical. It is egotistical. The best sports science programs are outside the United States. If scientific truths are unavailable we must use intuition. Intuition doesn’t make elite athletes alone. Work is required.
Hard work is dogma in the U.S. “Work hard and you can accomplish anything!” Just do it! Just do what? Oh, work hard. If hard work accomplishes anything why are so many people not getting the results they should see? There is a time and a place for hard work. I say working moderately for a long time is better than putting in 110% (which only exists in the future in sports sciences). Working hard means being consistent, in the moment, and recognizing your mistakes then adjusting for them.


A formal education will make us work really hard for someone else’s dream. This is the American dream for business owners. This is why the cost of a college education has increased over 1000% since 1978. You are in debt. You love what you went to school to study. Now, you need to live with your parents after graduation because the pay ratio is ridiculous. For output to amount to anything requires diligence. If I am working hard and no one is helping me I should receive all of the profits. Productivity is for business owners. Passion is for individuals.

If you are truly passionate about what you do, work for yourself. Pay the bills and make all of the profits yours. Do not allow some suit in New York to benefit from your passion. His passion is money. That’s why he takes the lion’s share of your hard work monetarily. Oh, you love what you do so you will do it for 30%? The overhead is covered by membership fees. PT is pure profit.

Ø type A personality – talks about productivity
Ø type B personality – talks about passion

Type A people are passionate about you being productive and making them a very good living. If a type A talks about passion step back and observe. They want you to equate productivity and passion. Their passion is money NOT fitness. If you are passionate and concerned with productivity do it for yourself.
Type B people are passionate about what they do. They do it 7/365…366 in a leap year. Follow your dreams and make them real. Be an introvert. Think it through and through. Introverts are better thinkers and better listeners than extroverts. Introverts are better individual athletes. Extroverts need a team. Be the team. Pursue your dreams. Make it happen.


Success has little to do with money. You cannot buy health. You cannot buy happiness (…but it is easier to be happy sitting on a jet ski!). You certainly cannot buy strength because it is the same thing as health. Stop hating your job if you are staying. Love what you do because that is happiness. Everything we do is to be happy. I have set and achieved many goals down the roads I’ve travelled. I have not squatted 800lbs, yet. I am alive and strong and that goal gives me a reason to wake up every day. I have a little more than 100lbs to reach this goal. It leads me. I wasted years trying to pursue money and people. Yet, when I look at my feet the road is there. Like an old friend. We can pick up where we left off with no hard feelings. Success is relative. Happiness is success.

success has little to do with money

Creativity and productivity are interwoven. One may be productive without being creative. Assembly lines exist to this end. Creativity determines one’s ultimate productivity. Create what you want and produce a life worth living.

Get stronger following YOUR dreams!

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