workouts prevent diabetes?
Who wants to lose bodyweight?
Who wants to lose body fat?
Who wants to gain muscle and shape their body?
Who wants to control the way they eat?

I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 1969. My doctor told
my parents to make me a diabetic or an active little boy. They made me an
active little boy and I have been teaching others how to move efficiently since
1987. Dr. Hung was ahead of his time. Living an active life and controlling
what one eats are permanently cataloged in my being.
The long and short of this study are we must exercise and plan
our nutrition to use the foods we eat. Planning the foods we eat will control
our bodyweight. These factors will lessen the incidence of pre-diabetes, type 2
diabetes, obesity, and metabolic dysfunctions.
Now, who wants to lose bodyweight? Everyone who wants to
side-step diabetes.
Who wants to gain muscle and shape their body? Duh!
Who wants to control the way they eat? We should all eat what
Mother Nature has provided. We should all eat for the next three hours of
activity. More activity equals more food pre-workout. Less activity equals
fewer carbohydrates. Eat for what you will do not for what you have done.
Unless you want to gain fat? The windows of replenishing opportunity use food
we have eaten already. The foods most fitness people eat post-workout will not
be available for use for several hours. Don’t buy, ha-ha, what supplement
vendors tell us. They say their protein and carbohydrate supplement will
restore nutrients used during your workout. Simple sugars yes. Proteins will
not be available for nine hours. Think about it.
Get stronger!
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