Saturday, July 25, 2015

Powerlifting 104 - Deadlift

Powerlifting 104 – Deadlift

deadlifts for womens glutes
Conventional deadlift set up.
The deadlift is more popular now than when I competed last. It is a great way to add strength. It will add to your total very nicely too. A lot of people use the sumo comparatively these days as well. I say Westside Barbell is the reason. Some people are built for sumo while others should use the conventional deadlift.

woemns deadlift techniques
Sumo deadlift set up.

Folks with long legs and arms should use sumo stance for deadlifting. Only if their hips are wide enough. My hips are narrow so I always use the conventional deadlift. Wide stance has caused a lot of hip injuries and replacements. Be warned.

·        The bar is loaded is your start signal
·        Sets your feet
·        Set your back
·        Grab the bar
·        Take the slack out of the bar
·        Head “up”
·        Drive the platform away until your shoulders are on top of your hips
·        Wait for the down signal
·        Lower the weight to the platform

There is a lot of showmanship on the You Tubes. Stop dropping your deadlifts to make a scene. It will get you red lights every time in a real competition. Oh, but so will a half squat, I digress.

The workout for deadlifts is different than squats and benches. I advise everyone to train the actual deadlift once per week and use squat and deadlift assistance movements to get stronger on this stressful movement.

A.   Deadlift - 6-8 sets x 1-3 reps
B.    Bent barbell rows – 5 sets x 5 reps
C.    Snatch grip high pulls – 5-8 sets x 5 reps
D.   RDL or Good mornings (alternate every three weeks) – 5 sets x 5-10 reps
E.    Grip work
a.     Pinch grip – 3 sets x 3-10 reps
b.    Support grip – 3 sets x 3-10 reps
c.     Crushing grip – 3 sets x 10 reps

Get stronger doing YOUR workout!

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