Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Freedom of movement

The most important thing in learning any physical undertaking is the repetition. The repetition is a matter of automaticity. Freedom is born of imagination. These days a lot of people are stuck on the variety component of training. Ultimately there are three things to focus on in training.

Training with Bruce Lee

This idea is taken from Bruce Lee, Artist of Life and we will apply it to lifting:
  1.  Synchronicity of self
  2.  Synchronicity with *opponent (*weight)
  3.  Under **fight conditions (**weighted)

Lee told his friend in a letter to stay focused on these three things and ignore the “sizzle” of new techniques. Avoiding unnecessary movements. Use economy of movement as the focus of training. This is what is needed to keep people engaged in training.

Many focus on mobility in training. They want a full ROM. This is good! However, it does not work if the full range is weak. The weak part of the movement will only be limited, again and again, if strength is not developed in this part of the range. We develop strength with added weight. We maintain a full ROM with weighted movements. More evidence exists with weightlifting and powerlifting movements than any other sports science. Stay the course. Skip the “sizzle”.

Tony Robbins said “You can have anything you want. You cannot have everything you want.” My point is this, if you want something from training choose strength. Everything else will fall into place more freely.

Get stronger!                                                                                              docsgym@live.com 

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