Monday, August 4, 2014

The new world

The new world

A new world is a seductive idea for many. We all have dreams and ambitions. Things change in every aspect of life. Changes are not always progressive. Traversing the United States in the 1800s was certainly difficult. The internet is our new frontier. Training exists in the real world not online. Science is supposed to have real world applications also. Modern training in this new world is “peer reviewed” at best. This is not science. Keep it simple and make progress.
power training
Fight the power selectively.

A new world makes many believe they can re-write the rules. The wheel has been invented and cannot be improved upon following this new world path. Technology makes communicating easier world-wide. The point is, if one’s science is faulty communication does not matter. Some profit on the hard labor of the class of people who actually carry out the work. One does work with the hands. Force multiplied by distance is work (F x D = W). Re-defining terms seems the norm in our new world. Most terms do not need to be re-defined. The core is a perfect example. The new term is in no way superior to the one which still does the job quite well (the mid-section). The trainers who spend the entire day online took ownership by re-naming something and stealing all the research done decades earlier by superior scientists, coaches, and athletes. All they did to take all the credit was rename something. In literature this is called plagiarism. It is theft just like robbing a stage-coach.

strength trainingMy people originate from Ireland. Irish people worked very hard building the railroads in America. The credit is often given to other groups but history cannot be changed. Look at the names on the railroad records. Giving credit to other groups is my point. Internet warriors are taking credit for work they have not done. If one squats 725 lbs it is recorded assuming it was completed in a contest. Too many are claiming false lifts online. I watched a video of a “lifter” claiming a 725 double on the squat. Two plates on each end of the bar were 10 kgs bumper plates; give me a break. These plates make the lift much, much, lighter than it was. Lifting is done with a bar and plates. The internet is not a place to tell your lies just because there is no editor. Stop stealing glory you have not earned. Internet people have delusions of grandeur. Keep at least one foot in the real world. The new world is far too often false as a result of the re-writing of rules from the old world.

Describing internet workouts as training is like calling apples oranges. There is very little science available to the public online. If one is relatively uneducated there is no frame of reference to discard the bad information therein. Most of the “peer reviewed” garbage online is anecdotal at best. Anecdotal evidence is a starting point; it is not supported yet. Science is supposed to be studied, challenged, and supported or not. If your sample size is smaller than your shoe size it is not science. If there are no references it is not science. Gray
gray cook
Not a top level strength anything!
Cook and Mike Boyle for example are taken as serious scientists. They may be good scientists in this new world but they have never produced one high level athlete. They live in the ivory towers of academia not the real world of athletics. They have never breached the doors of a serious gym. It is unfortunate that the strength and conditioning world is occupied by this type. They profess something they have never done in any form. They call an athlete “big and strong”
mike boyle
Not a strength guy at all!
yet he/she cannot squat, clean, jerk, snatch, bench press, or even deadlift double body weight. They are not strong athletes. This is why injuries are so prevalent in sports at the collegiate and professional levels. The strength and conditioning teams have never been high level athletes and will never be high level coaches because of this fact. High level athletes compete internationally. Professional sports are below international athletics. Collegiate athletics are below professional sports.
Do not take me the wrong way. I am not one of those internet guys always looking for scientific support for practice; far from it. I am a lifter who studies the science done in the former Soviet Union. It is the best sports science organized yet and it works.

strength training
Knowledge and experience are synonymous.
The research is in on strength training. Strength cannot be upgraded online. All of the internet advocates I have met are online more than they are lifting. Strength is best improved with barbells. Many argue this point. It is not arguable. Dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine balls, and any other tools are accessory work. Accessory work supports strength but does not equate with absolute strength.

Modern training is more of a warm up than training.  I once read something on a CrossFit wall “your workout is our warm up”. Bold words. If CrossFit people were strong they would not have as many injuries as statistics show. Appearance based and accessory work are not
strength workouts
training without strength work. Modern training is not training because it does not include strength work.

Strength work is the foundation of training. It must represent a large majority of invested time and energy. Weightlifting and powerlifting are strength work. If one can perform more than eight repetitions with a weight it is not strength work. This is accessory work as I have mentioned.

Find a gym, hire an experienced coach, and train. A coach must have been competitive at some time or another at the level you want to achieve. Coaches are superior to trainers. Their understanding is greater. They have done the work you need to do. Everyone, grand-mother or master of sport international class (MSIC), needs to address strength chiefly. STRENGTH and conditioning is training.

Get stronger!                                                                                          

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