Stages of a lifting
We all chose to be physical beings. There is an order on
this path we selected. Saying there is only one way to travel down the path
would be irresponsible. None of us knows everything we need to know. Some lift,
some build a physique, while another may run, cycle, and swim. It does not
matter. We love what we are doing. There must be organization if competitions
are your focus.
Developmentally we are most capable of advancements in this
order: weightlifting, powerlifting, strongman, and bodybuilding. If you want to
do all of these noble sports go in this order. We must learn to crawl before we
can skip. Most American adults cannot skip.
In strength sports we all originate from the same camp.
Weightlifters were always lifting something. Powerlifters wanted to go heavy
all of the time. Strongmen would pick something up even though nobody “normal”
would ever consider picking something like that up; a carriage or a rock for
example. Bodybuilders liked that they could sculpt their physiques like a piece
of art. In the beginnings they were the same people. There used to be events
including all of these types of lifting and displays. Everyone appreciates
strength. The camp split and we now have factions. We should all take part in
the variety and we could avoid trickery like functional training. All training
is functional. If it does not contribute to the rest of life it is not
Olympic weightlifting is very athletic. The snatch is very
technical. The clean & jerk is the most powerful event in all of sports. It
is my humble opinion that every athlete should include these lifts in training.
Speed, strength, agility, coordination and power are some of the benefits. All
of the athletes I have trained are believers. They have seen huge improvements
in sports like triathlon, cycling, marathon, American football, rugby, track
& field, basketball, and tennis. These lifts are called the quick lifts by
some. My advice is to start these lifts as early as an athlete can. Chinese
lifters start at the tender age of six. I will not start a weightlifter until
the age of twelve. I believe starting at six is too many years with relatively
small weights. Athletes will get bored. Loading the skeleton before it has
finished maturing is careless. Chinese lifters have a lot of back injuries.
Weightlifting flourishes in cultures where the glory of the state allows
coaches to push young athletes to Olympian levels. Let the skeleton develop
while the athlete learns timing, positioning, and technique. Weightlifting makes
strength built in the gym athleticaly applicable. Changing directions with power is agility
and it is very useful in sports.
Powerlifting movements were and are the support movements
for weightlifting. Practice powerlifting after the weightlifting career is finished.
Weightlifter will never be great if they are not great squatters. The criteria
differ in powerlifting. Assistance movements are relative to the clean and jerk
maximum rather than an actual maximum on that lift. Speed is important when
changing direction. The bench press has taken a beating from the uneducated
since the press was eliminated from competitions in 1972. Upper body strength
is important in sports. Use the bench press to develop strength. The deadlift
is realizing new life recently. It is relatively easy to get strong on the
deadlift when compared to the squat and bench press. The best powerlifters are
very athletic. The best powerlifters are balanced on all lifts. Challenge
someone who actually squats 600 lbs to a sprint and be prepared to be humbled.
They jump well also. I know more than ten powerlifters under 5’ 10” who can
dunk a basketball with ease. Strength and conditioning! Powerlifting events
move more slowly than weightlifting events. They are a close second though. If
an athlete squats 800 lbs they are very formidable on the court or field. When
the sport of powerlifting was born the name weightlifting was already taken.
These names should be reversed. Powerlifters are second in power only to
weightlifters. Powerlifting crafts the
strongest athletes on earth. Strength is the foundation of power. Let’s say an
800 lbs squat moves 24” in 2 seconds. That is equal to a 320 lbs clean and jerk
which moves 60” in 2 seconds. Weightlifting should be called powerlifting but
they took the name before powerlifting was born. Get over it, there are more
people squatting 800 than clean & jerking 320. The name works for
powerlifting. Weightlifters argue the point feebly. Make CrossFit behave before
you attack powerlifting. I digress. If I were building a sports team I would
select most of my athletes from weightlifting and powerlifting. Do you know
anyone in the NFL that could push Donnie Thompson around? The answer you are
looking for is a booming NO!
Bodybuilding movements are too numerous to name. Sculpting
an aesthetic physique is laborious. Fitness training can be accomplished quite
well with bodybuilding work. Do it later in your lifting career. Many strength
and conditioning programs are based on bodybuilding movements since the coaches
are former footballers, personal trainers, or gym rats. Looking strong is the
same as being strong in that world. I call bullshit! No one cares what your
biceps look like when they are throwing you on the ground at their feet. These
people are stronger than the average person. They are not even close to being
strong athletes. Use these movements to supplement your training. They are
useful in that they allow athletes to create an atmosphere for improvement. The
strength is not a direct result of these movements. The foundation of a great
bodybuilder is the same as weightlifter, powerlifter or any other strength athlete.
Strength is universal. It is a matter of will. Being
physically strong helps folks in everything they practice. It develops work
ethic. It is pure problem solving. It may seem like pigheadedness to the feeble
or controlling. Strength is the finest thing in the world. Every group aligns
with strength as closely as they can to bootleg power. Strength is power,
intensity, depth, might, and vigor. Do the math. Strength rules the world.
Appreciate where everyone is strong and celebrate strength, make the world a
more positive place. Strength is not just producing force athletically. Martial
artists develop spirituality through physical practice and so can you. I lift.
Pick your path and enjoy! It is good to be strong at whatever you do!
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