Fitness is an ability. We can be good at anything but not
everything. Be great at something and as the saying goes “sacrifices must be
made”. A marathoner is not going to be a great powerlifter and vice versa. They
will be better if they practice both. Nobody is going to be great at both.
Ability implies action. Action is ongoing. It only ends with
an action in opposition. Learning is ongoing and physical abilities are
learned. Practicing anything properly allows improvement infinitely. The only limits
are the ones you apply or allow. Remember the 4 minute mile was once
Why do you want it? Why, is a very important word. It
determines your obligation. You go to work each day to provide for your family
and self. It carries us through tough times. This is simple when it comes down
to the bottom line. Goals are wants in fitness. A lifelong commitment is the
Why do you want to be stronger?
Get stronger!