Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Power is realized while jumping. Be careful.


Many athletes and fitness enthusiasts are jumping to improve power output. This is a great power movement. Depth jumps, vertical leaps, long jumps, hopping, ladder work, and single leg bounding are just some of the types of jumping seen in training rooms world-wide these days.

We should be able to squat, full-depth, with a weight equal to 150% of our body weight before jumping will be safe. The forces involved in jumping are astronomical. Eighteen inch depth jumps can surpass seven times body weight in the forces required/produced. No one can squat seven times body weight. Work up to a solid squat with 1.5 x body weight before jumping as a practice. If you cannot squat at least this well you are not strong enough to jump. Injury is to be avoided.

Terrible idea! Do not jump, and land, with weights.
Also, jumping should be done for two weeks followed by a break from jumping for four to six weeks (2 weeks on / 4-6 weeks off). A good practice is to jump for two weeks, prior to an event, and take a break. Five times per year is more than enough jumping to start with. It is a good idea to limit jumping and optimize squatting.

Good squatters are better jumpers. Olympic weightlifters jump better than almost all other athletes, including jumpers. Squats are a huge part of weightlifting!

Jumping is a great training tool. Squat strength is a determining factor in jumping competence. If you cannot squat 150% of body weight work on squatting until you can; before you jump regularly.

Get stronger!                                                                             docsgym@live.com

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